Dept. of Architecture
Pursuing city creation for the 21st century with a theme of environmental coexisting
Features of the educational curriculum and methods

Creation of architecture and urban spaces in harmony with the ecosystem
The Department of Architecture, expanding conventional architectonics, has been established to meet the needs of the new era. With a focus on architecture, urban spaces and the environment, our department aims to create architectural systems and urban spaces that can save energy and reduce environmental loading. We are also pursuing the creation of an ideal environment for everyday life by connecting research activities centering on resources, energy and ecology, with practical fieldwork. Based on the ideas of architectonics, we are approaching environmental problems by accurately assessing and analyzing environmental factors found in the living environment combined with a review of daily activities.
Our education and study fields for the design of eco-friendly spaces and lifestyles
- Understanding the characteristics of materials and products used in environmental space design, technologies for enhancing the durability and maintenance of such materials, earthquake-resistant engineering and the underlying structural dynamics, eco-friendly construction techniques and methods used in the construction management
- Materials/members/construction, design of the lifecycle, starting from extraction of materials used in products through production and application to ultimate waste disposal, reproduction technologies such as recycling and reuse, environmental impact assessment and environmental management methods for resources recycling
- Assessment of regional energy systems, assessment of urban environment and climate such as heat islands, design of environmental equipment systems with consideration of lifecycle and its operating techniques and technology for utilizing natural energy
- Beautiful and comfortable space design that helps contribute to energy conservation and effective use of resources, including design of an ecological city and landscape
Pathways students can take after graduation
Expected future fields
- Environmental Equipment: Environmental equipment designers or engineers working for a design firm, a construction company or an equipment company
- Materials/Construction: Building material makers, research and experimental institutes as well as material and construction engineers working for a construction company
- Structures: Becoming architectural structural engineers or experts in structures working for construction company or design firm
- Regional Planning: Becoming engineers working in sections such as city planning, regional planning and construction within municipalities
- Space Design: design firms, design section in construction companies and builders of domestic housing