







Wayne E. Arnold

アーノルド ウェイン E.

20th-century Modern American literature.

Ph.D. American Literature

Ashok Ashta

アシタ アショク

Cross-cultural management with a focus on leadership and organization development.

Ph.D. International Management and Organization

Rodger Steele Williamson


Comparative culture studies and the life and literature of Lafcadio Hearn (小泉八雲)

Ph.D. Literature and Cultural Studies

Wonsub Eum

オム ウォンソブ

International trade and structural change, industrial and technological diversification, and economic development.

Ph.D. Engineering

Kenichi Kihara

木原 謙一

Late 19th- and early 20th-century Irish literature and 19th-century British Romantic poetry.

M.A. Literature

Fiona Creaser

クリーサー フィオナ

Gender and Diversity from a cross-cultural perspective.

Ph.D. East Asian Research

Sonoko Saito

齊藤 園子

Literature in English with a special interest in expatriate writing and postcolonial theory; global education through Model United Nations programs.

Ph.D. Language and Culture

Chiaki Sameshima

鮫島 千明

Irish literature, particularly W. B. Yeats and Noh theatre.

Ph.D. Literature

Yumiko Shibata

柴田 弓子

International education, intercultural communication, interpretation studies

M.A. English Studies

Shinichiro Terada

寺田 真一郎

Innovation, primarily artificial intelligence (AI) ecosystems.


Rodolfo Delgado

デルガド ロドルフォ

Tourism business, marketing, and intercultural communication.

Ph.D. Business Administration

Keiko Hirano

平野 圭子

Sociolinguistics, particularly language variation and change.

Ph.D. Linguistics

Adam Hailes

ヘイルズ アダム

Shakespearean theatre and the concept of pleasure.

Ph.D. Literature

Brooke Maeda

前田 ブルック

Finance and asset pricing, particularly the Japanese share market.

Ph.D. Management

Naomi Yukimaru

雪丸 尚美

Second language acquisition and second language teaching, including learning differences, dyslexia, and extensive reading.

M.A. Education

M.A. Human and Environmental Studies

Jenifer Larson-Hall

ラーソンホール ジェニファー

Second language acquisition and second language teaching, including statistical methods, phonological acquisition, and language attrition.

Ph.D. Linguistics

Rosemary Reader

リーダー ローズマリー

Translation and intercultural aspects of sociolinguistics including humour, identity and politics.

Ph.D. Linguistics
