Student Life
Student Counseling Service
The university not only provides students with an opportunity for learning and group activities, but also functions as a place for self-discovery and personality development. At university, students will face many problems, such as academic and career anxieties, economic concerns or health problems. To help students relieve such concerns, our university provides a Student Counseling Service, in which professional counselors offer support.
International Student Support Center
If there are aspects of everyday or student life in Japan that trouble you, or there is something you don't understand, please do not hesitate to seek advice at the International Students Support Center.
International Student Lounge
Students can use the International Student Lounge for relaxing and student exchange.
International Student House
Accommodations for international students are available at reasonable prices. The accommodations are located in Kitakyushu Science and Research Park.¡¡¡¡
There are 52 room and each room is equipped with a study desk, a bed, a refrigerator, shelves, personal bathroom and toilet, kitchen, and an air conditioner. There are also a study room, meeting hall, washers and driers (coin-operated) in shared area within the International Students House.
Type¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ | Area¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ | Room¡¡¡¡¡¡ | Room Fee | Shared use expenses |
Share room for Two students |
18 square meters | 50 rooms | 5,000 yen monthly per room |
4,000yen monthly per room |
Share room for Three students |
38 square meters | ¡¡2 rooms | 10,500 yen monthly per room |
4,000 yen monthly per room |
*Besides this, additional electricity and water costs will be charged.
?Depending on the number of applicants, there is a possibility of being a lottery.
There are scholarships for privately-funded international students from the Japanese government, local municipal entities, and private foundations or organizations. The university's alumni association also offers a scholarship. Some scholarships requires an entry through the university, and others accept direct application by a students. When entries for such scholarships are being sought, the details are posted on the campus bulletin board.
Health Care
Being mentally and physically sound is essential in leading a satisfying campus life. The university pays careful attention to students' health care, and at the university infirmary, a nurse provides first-aid treatment and advice on health care. If necessary, students are referred to a medical institution. Moreover, a physical examination is conducted in April each year for prevention and early identification of diseases. As the need arises, advice on health care is given to those who have a health problem.