Title | Specially Appointed Professor | |
Degree | Doctor of Engineering | |
Department | Department of Information Systems Engineering | |
kajiwara[ at ]kitakyu-u.ac.jp £ªPlease change "[at]" to "@". |
Education | 1991: PhD from Keio University | |
Employment History | 1996.4-2001.3: Professor, Ibaraki University, Ibaraki Since 2001.4: Professor, Kitakyushu University |
Teaching Activities | Communication systems, Telecommunications Networks, Mobile communication systems |
Research Interest | ? Wireless communication systems ? Microwave sensor ? Microwave and millimeter radio propagation ? Ultra-wideband radio |
Publications | ? ¡¸Elderly-Care Motion Sensor Using UWB-IR¡¹£¬IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium 2011 (SAS2011), pp. 159-162, Feb. 2011. ? ¡¸Remote Respiration Monitoring Sensor Using Stepped-FM¡¹£¬IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium 2011 (SAS2011), pp. 155-158, Feb. 2011. ? ¡¸Empirical Study of Stepped-FM UWB Microwave Sensor¡¹£¬IEEE International Conference on Wireless Sensors and Sensor networks (WiSNet2011), pp.363-366, Jan. 2011. ? ¡¸Moving vehicle discrimination using Hough transformation¡¹£¬IEEE International Conference on Wireless Sensors and Sensor networks (WiSNet2011), pp.367-370, Jan. 2011. ? ¡¸Empirical study of UWB-IR sensor watching for bathroom¡¹£¬IEEE International Conference on Wireless Sensors and Sensor networks (WiSNet2011), pp.410-413, Jan 19th. 2011. |
Other activities | - | |
URL | http://kajiwara-lab.is.env.kitakyu-u.ac.jp http://www.kitakyu-u.ac.jp/env/subject/d-media/Akihiro_Kajiwara/index.html |