Title | Professor | |
Degree | Dr. Eng. | |
Department | Department of Information and Systems Engineering | |
takasima[ at ]kitakyu-u.ac.jp £ªPlease change "[at]" to "@". |
Education | 1998 D.E. from Tokyo Institute of Technology | |
Employment History | 1998-2003: Research Associate, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan 2003-2005: Invited Researcher, Kitakyushu Foundation for the Advancement of Industry, Science and Technology, Japan 2005-: Associate Professor, the University of Kitakyushu |
Teaching Activities | Theory of Combinatorial Optimization, Computer Architecture, Programming-Lab II | |
Research Interest | VLSI Layout Algorithm, Combinatorial Optimization, Design for Manufacturability | |
Publications | 1) Masato Inagi, Yasuhiro Takashima, and Yuichi Nakamura, "Globally Optimal Time-multiplexing of Inter-FPGA Connections for Multi-FPGA Prototyping Systems," IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology, Vol.3, pp.81--90, 2010. 2) Masatomo Kuwano and Yasuhiro Takashima, "Stable-LSE based Analytical Placement with Overlap Removable Length", Proc. of SASIMI 2010, pp. 115--120, 2010. 3) Takanobu Shiki, Yasuhiro Takashima, and Yuichi Nakamura, "Delay Analysis of Sub-Path on Fabricated Chips by Several Path-delay Tests", Proc. of ISCAS 2010, pp. 1595--1598. |
Other activities | - | |
URL | - |